Tuesday, August 21, 2007

10 days Before the start...

I am making a new years ( sept always feels like the real new years thanks to 20yrs of school) resolution that for 1 calendar Year Starting Sept 1st I will buy Nothing for one whole year. This decision has sprouted from a number of stimulii...
1) A CBC program that interviewed a woman in New York who was part-way into this jourey along with her huspband and 4 children.
2) A creaping depression about the consumer impact on the planet.
3) A realization that i waste most of my decent income and still have credit card debt.
4) I need to relearn the difference between Need and Want.

I have been developing a set of rules after reading blogs etc from others who have taken this path and i shall lay them out here for you (and for me)

  1. I can buy food. But not processed/premade foods. I will continue to buy bread products, Raw ingredients for making other foods. No premade cookies, bars etc.
  2. I will buy as much locally produced produce, bread, meat etc as possible, recognizing that i live in Saskatchewan so unless i wish to eat only dry lentils and frozen produce all winter this will be somewhat limited.
  3. I will buy organic food whenever possible
  4. I will buy toilet paper
  5. I will not eat out in restaurants- with one exeption. I am single. I wish to date. In a new relationship or potential relationship i can go for fairtrade coffee or tea. I will bring my own cup. If a date turns into a boyfriend then back home for a game of scrabble or to the library with a thermos of cocoa.
  6. I will restrict my use of my car. I will be taking it off the road for the winter, possibly selling it in the spring depending. I will take public transit, car pool, bike and walk.
  7. I will not buy clothing. I have tonnes of clothes. I can sew new clothes from old clothes ( a la preloved) or from fabric that i already have.
  8. I can buy sewing notions, i.e. zippers, thread etc to make clothes or gifts. I will try and use what i have before i buy anything new, and will try and buy used if possible.
  9. I will make gifts, not buy them.
  10. I will not buy alcohol... hense i am about to start a batch of cider, and will start in on the mead.
  11. If appliances brake i will try and live without them, or fix them, or barring this as a possibility replace them. ie if the fridge dies, i will get a new one, if the micro goes... to bad.
  12. I can choose 1 culural event per month to pay to attend. ie music, play, library film etc. I wish to reduce my consumption not stop supporting local arts etc.
  13. I can get a YMCA membership. excercise in not consumption.

I have 2 exceptions for when i will be breaking my rules. I am going to hawaii for a wedding in Feb, and while there i can eat out with friends, as it seems rediculous to go all that way and not socialise. Though I will pack lunches etc for my hikes and solo travels. The same stands for the trip i have planned to see babies and friends in london and Halifax... though i will keep it to a minimum. When traveling to these fabulous places i can choose a souvenir. Perferably art, but can't just buy random junk. I should come home with lots of pictures and a lighter bag.

I have been slowly weaning myself off the shop for the past month... I am excited rather that worried. I am asking friends to be supportive. This does not mean buying me things. It means understanding when i suggest we get a movie from the library and hangout at my place. Lets be creative about not paying someone else to allow us to see each other.


Unknown said...

Hey Erin!
Awesome!! You rock my world. I have been thinking a lot about this type of thing for awhile. I have been an avid supporter of local producers for a long time (comes from growing up on a farm i guess). Good on you for taking the next step!

I wish you best of luck in your journey. Can't wait to hear how it goes.


Erin said...

Thanks Amanda!
SHoukd be a good time. This weekend i am borrowing a a truck to goand pick up free manure so thatmy garden will not suck next year!
I live only 6 blocks from the farmers market so that makes the local bit easier until winter!