Sunday, September 9, 2007

Wow! I did not know i could do That!

This morning i accidently stepped on my glasses. The glasses that i decided i would wait to replace until next year. They are the right perscription, and i generally like them. I lost my other glasses in to the Red Deer River while canoing over the July-Long and so there are not a pair that I like in Reserve. I do have one other set of glasses, but they are PainFULLY ugly. I bought them during a brief period of conservativism and Brown only back in 2002. (This phase is deeply embarassing to be, Thank gawd for good lawyers!)

Any way, so i was faced with 2 problems. I wasn;t supposed to buy new ones, AND it is unlikely i could even get a new pair before leaving for Ottawa Wednesday, En Route to Halifax & London... I can't find my one pair of contacts either, and to be honest, they wouldn't last 2 weeks....

So in the interm i taped the broken glasses togther using duct tape accross the nose. They worked, but didn't stay in place well. Oh well i could see.

Well while making a late lunch i was digging in a drawer in my kitchen and came accross a pair of $10 zebra print cat-eye glasses. I had bought them at Claire's, a cheapy-girly shop before chloe's wedding, and would sometimes wear them with contacts... well they are about the same shape as the recently broken black ones...

SOoooo I popped the non-perscrioption lenses out of the Zebra glasses, and popped in the perscription ones. Not quite a fit.... so i warmed up the Zebra ones, flatted the eye holes a bit and VOILA!!! GLASSES!!!! The fit is not super tight so i may add a drop of crazy glue, but I think they will last until i get home!!! ( i will bring my UBER ugly one's just in case...)

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